Neonates, Infant, Newborn, Baby, Preemie
Meconium Aspiration
What is Meconium Aspiration?
Meconium aspiration refers to a condition where a newborn infant breathes in his or her own meconium. When an infant is inside the uterus, usually very soon before birth, it may stool, or poop, for the very first time while still inside his or her mother. This first poop is called meconium, and it is a sticky, tar-like, dark green substance. This first stool can mix with the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Since a baby breathes in the amniotic fluid, there is a chance meconium could be aspirated as well.
This is extremely dangerous and could potentially be life threatening. The meconium poses a threat to block the airway of the infant after birth, making it difficult for the baby to breathe.
An infant who has aspirated meconium will be admitted to the NICU. The baby's lungs will be suctioned out with a tube, to try and evacuate all meconium in the airway. If severe enough, the baby may also be placed on oxygen management, as well as medications.
See also:
• Kid's Health - Meconium Aspiration
• Medline Plus - Meconium Aspiration