Neonates, Infant, Newborn, Baby, Preemie
Esophageal Atresia
What is Esophageal Atresia?
Esophageal Atresia is when the upper part of the esophagus does not connect to the lower part. The upper end of the lower part of the esophagus is attached to the windpipe. It also could mean that there is a narrowing of the esophagus. Either way, the complication is life-threatening.
If not treated, the infant could aspirate saliva or potentially other secretions, resulting in choking or aspiration pneumonia. This can also be fatal.
Surgery is necessary to repair the complication. This must be done as quickly as possible, once the baby is stabilized in the NICU.
See also:
• Medline Plus - Esophageal Atresia